Sports Experts, Quebec’s largest sports retailer, wanted to salute the small feats of everyday champions - those who might never attend the Olympics but deserve recognition for staying active. Although it has dominated the French Canadian market for the past 50 years, the sporting goods retailer is now facing fast-growing competition, with local, but also international players such as Decathlon, opening new brick and mortar locations in the vicinity of it’s long-established franchises. This campaign aimed at increasing sales by at least 5%, by focusing on everyday athletes, Sports Experts’ most profitable consumers.

A successful campaign

Sales in Q4 YOY
Sales for partner brands that were specifically advertised in the campaign YOY

Identify where people are active

A good coach encourages, inspires and rewards his athletes. Like him, we developed an innovative media plan aimed at rewarding and valuing everyday physical efforts. The campaign's vision was oriented towards celebrating effort rather than triumph, valuing active living rather than physical over-performance.

In addition to reaching the active target, the media should be delivered during physical effort, the most opportune moment to encourage and reward active living. A true right-person, right-time, right-place strategy!

Rather than immediately turning to the media habits of the target audience, the ideation process began by identifying places where people are active. It was these environments that influenced our choice of media and execution unique to that environment.

Rather than immediately turning to the target audience's media habits, the ideation process began by identifying places where people are active. It was these environments that influenced our choice of media and execution unique to that environment.

Appreciate everyday physical effort


First, we created the thermal discount and dominated the highest metro station in Montreal: Lucien L'Allier. Like any good coach, Sports Experts encouraged users as they climbed 164 steps and waited for them at the finish line with an interactive screen equipped with a body heat detector. Users who climbed the stairs were offered a discount in store proportional to the physical effort deployed. A campaign on social media helped to amplify the execution and aroused real enthusiasm among Quebecers.

We then transformed street columns into weather-activated signs to encourage runners to get out there even in bad weather. Thanks to invisible ink, messages of encouragement specially dedicated to courageous runners only appeared in the rain.

We have also adapted the out-of-home campaign to the locations where athletes train. Thanks to a matrix of 35 creatives, 12 formats and 500 positions, there were a total of 200,000 possible adaptations of the message. We selected the best locations such as gyms, parks and Bixi stations, going so far as to create locations where there was none with the domination of the Lucien L'Allier station.

We have developed hyper-localized SEM campaigns, specific to each location of training. When a consumer searched on his mobile for the product promoted on nearby displays, the user was redirected to the nearest Sports Experts store.

A succesful campaign

Prix Média Infopresse
Prix Média Infopresse
Mix Média $250k et +
Media Innovation Awards
Best in Retail
Media Innovation Awards
Best in Launch/Relaunch
Media Innovation Awards
Best use of Technology

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We are steadfast in our belief that marketing and media creativity needs to be constantly redefined. Because we are emboldened by the ever-more meaningful, memorable and impactful connections this creates between a brand and its audiences. And most importantly, because it drives business success.