
Can-Am Off-Road, the leader in off-road recreational products, was to expand its inventory of the Can-Am Defender, an all-terrain vehicle dedicated to farmers.

The Defender was sold out before the end of the summer

Increase in brand trust
Increase in search volume YoY
10 000 000

Can-Am faced two major chanllenges

Fist of all, Can-Am does not have its own dealer network. Gathering primary data from our consumers is therefore a major challenge. One that we could meet with an innovative content strategy.

Secondly, Can-Am's consumer base is extremely varied, ranging from thrill-seekers and families looking for adventure in the great outdoors, to hunters and fishermen, and farmers in need of a vehicle that will support them in their work. As far as farmers are concerned, the recreational products industry has always had a bad habit of stereotyping their image and using clichéd advertising messages. Specifically for Can-Am, farmers are the consumers with the lowest levels of awareness and familiarity. Well, here's our opportunity to raise those metrics!

Linvin the Land
Linvin the Land
Linvin the Land

Content to the rescue

The strategy was to connect emotionally with these farmers, but in an authentic way, and to infiltrate media contextual to the farming community. To do this, we had to stand out and really innovate in our approach. That's what prompted us to launch the Livin' the Land content series, featuring heroes of the land and inspirational characters for this community. The watchword here was "real". Everything had to be authentic, and convey the beauty, but also the harshness, of the lifestyle of working with the land.

Distributing this content to farmers was no mean feat. Farmers represent only 2% of the North American population, their media consumption is highly specific, and the number of specialized publications aimed at this niche is in freefall.

Livin’ the Land in four phases



The first phase was a teaser campaign. It highlighted points of interest of the new agriculture enthusiasts such as sustainable farming and family-run agricultural inspiration. We also integrated a Youtube sequencing tactic that allowed us to find true farming enthusiasts with teasers and then expose them to a full-length episode.


To kick off the campaign with a bang, but with precision, we introduced one of the series' stars, Alex Templeton, to thousands of American farmers on RFDTV's Live In America, an agricultural morning show, to introduce Livin' the Land. As America's largest agricultural network, our reach was both immense and targeted. What's more, it's no coincidence that TV, a traditional medium, was our first offensive, since it's by far the channel most consumed by our farmers.


Each episode was also broadcast on Youtube and promoted by a strong programmatic campaign, social and via media partners of choice for farmers. Based on our analysis, we developed three audience profiles to sub-target in the agriculture category. There was a female target, one more focused on families living off the land, and finally neo-ruralists, who were very topical in the context of the pandemic. These sub-audiences were equally represented in the different episodes of Livin' the Land, allowing us to have a truly tailor-made approach for each episode.


The public reception was unanimous, with our farmers and lovers of the land begging for more. Interaction with the various pieces of content was abundant. These digital footprints enabled us to identify new farmers and neo-ruralists, and then retarget them later in the campaign with promotional messages on the Defender.

A succesful campaign

Prix Idéa
Integrated Campaign over 250k $
Prix Idéa
Branded Content

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