In 2019, a sense of urgency was triggered among the Quebec Milk Producers caused by the removal of the milk category from the new Canadian Food Guide, the rise of veganism and the increase of plant-based products. Our objective was therefore to put back daily products in the daily routine of Quebecers.
Multiples Opportunities
Quebec Milk Producers represent a wide variety of distinct products. Whether it's cream, yogurt, butter, milk, organic milk, chocolate milk, cheeses and recipes, all brands had to benefit from fair visibility. Being the only predominantly French-speaking Canadian province, Quebec has its own media entities, a strong star-system and its unique television productions in order to preserve its culture. In fact, a very strong sense of belonging inhabits Quebecers towards their local culture.

Critics are Unanimous!

Quebec population reached
Ad Recall
Spectators with an increasing desire to consume milk

Introducing The Milky Sitcom!

In order to meet the multi-brands challenge and surf on Quebec popular culture, we created our own tailor-made advertising ecosystem: The Milky Sitcom.

The Milky Sitcom is a series in 16 episodes of 45 to 90 seconds announced as a real sitcom where we could follow the playful stories of a family of dairy farmers from Quebec.

A first in the advertising world in Quebec!

We managed to create our own advertising medium from scratch: thus camouflaging the advertising aspect so that Quebecers become attached to the characters in the series. Our strategy has been tied up tight enough so that all the tactics looks like a real top show.

We've Replicated TV Giants' Launch


Step 1: Enable Curiosity

This 100% multi-channel teaser phase had the number one objective of reaching as many Quebecers as possible with a TV and digital trailer, 14 exclusive events, 89 billboards and 4 headlines in newspapers and magazines.

Step 2: Create a Daily Appointment

From Sunday to Wednesday, a new episode was released on the four major French-language TV channels at 6:30 p.m., in the best top shows of the fall. Every week, Quebecers could follow the stories of the different characters on Internet through several first point of entry placements that linked to the series' hosting sites.

Step 3: Create Intrigue

Every day, we launched self-promotional banners and teasers for the next episodes on digital platforms (Tou.tv, TVA vidéo and télaitroman.com). All of this was supported by an amplifying strategy of playful social posts, commented and shared more than 35,000 times. These one-off placements allowed us to be present in the daily life of Quebecers, throughout the campaign.

Step 4: Encourage binge-watching

We allowed Quebecers to listen to all the episodes of Té-Lait-roman on several online TV platforms. At the same time, an SEM strategy targeting keywords related to sitcom was planned to allow Quebecers to access our episodes efficiently.

A succesful campaign

Prix Idéa
Prix Idéa
Prix Idéa
Integrated Campaign over 250k$
Prix Idéa

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We are steadfast in our belief that marketing and media creativity needs to be constantly redefined. Because we are emboldened by the ever-more meaningful, memorable and impactful connections this creates between a brand and its audiences. And most importantly, because it drives business success.